Your School
Your School
Tēnā koutou, Tēnā koutou, Tēnā koutou katoa
Thank you for having a look through Your School's page.
We have learned that we are capable of great innovation, creativity and great kindness towards each other. We are really proud of the thinking and preparation that staff have put into making Your School as safe and secure as possible for our most precious taonga, our learners.
With your help we look forward to a new year of of learning and growth.
The staff at your school
How it works
Once registered with MoGreen&Co your school will automatically have a dedicated page.
Submit your fundraiser and we will then include that information in your school page.
Also, If your fundraiser qualifies, it may also be showcased in one of our three (3) fundraising categories.
$0-$1000 (Showcased for 7 days unless target has been reached prior)
$1000-$5000 (Showcased for 14 days unless target has been reached prior)
$5000-above (Showcased for 21 days unless target has been reached prior)
You do not have to be fundraising to have a dedicated school page.
As our MoGreen&Co customers browse our platform they will be asked to choose who would they like us to donate up to 65% of the net profit from their sale to?
If you have registered they will be able to choose you.
It's as simple as that!
So, if you are an authorized school administrator or teacher and you would like to begin by registering your school, click below and let's get you started!